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Dead Men Walking in Toraja

It is said that in a cave in the village in 1905 Sillanang ever since human corpse which was found intact, do not decay until now. Corpse was not embalmed like the people who do the Ancient Egyptians were not even given any potions. But it could remain intact.
Tampubolon opinion, there is the possibility that such substances digua chasiatnja which can preserve a human corpse. If there alone and chemical geologists who want to waste time investigating the place, agaknja puzzles can Sillanang dipetjahkan cave.
In addition to the anti husuk corpse, there is also a human corpse who can march on two kakinja, like a person alive who is not less of a right. If you want ditjari djuga perbedaannja there, but not so obvious. Perhaps the Tampubolon, the corpse march stiff and somewhat jerky.
And the way that he can not be alone, must be accompanied by one person alive who mengawalnja, ie until the end ketudjuan rumahnja own. Whyshould they?
Tjeritanja way. Toradja ordinary people who mendjeladjah his region is mountainous and banjak tjeruk was only by foot march. From ancient times until now remain so. They do not know the cart, wagon, cart or who sematjamnja. Well in Perdjalanan weight which is likely djatuh sick and dying is always there.
Supaja corpse not to be left in areas which are not known (Toradja respect the spirit of every person who died) and he does not menjusahkan supaja djug by man (would be very unlikely to carry the continuous djenazah sepandjang Perdjalanan which take several days), then by a witchcraft, perhaps same kind of hypnotism by saman terms now required to return march corpse away and only stopped when he was put in rumahnja badannja own.

Now, it's time Tumonglo family rituals core of Ma `nene. Under Tunuan grave stone cliffs, the family gathered waiting for grandma's coffin Biu - Tumonglo family ancestors who died a year ago - down. Not far from the cliffs, men holding hands in a circle while chanting Ma `Badong. A motion and a song that symbolizes grief mourning the services of deceased who died while giving spirit of the family of the deceased.

Simultaneously, the coffin began to rock derived from the hole slowly. Casket containing the body of grandmother Biu dull. Family Tumonglo believe that there is eternal life after death. Indeed death is not the end of all the minutes of life. Therefore, it becomes the duty of every family to remember and take care of the bodies of their ancestors despite having died several years ago. In this ritual, the dead bodies removed from his place back. Later, the bodies are repacked with new fabric sheet by each of his descendants.
The event was followed by the opening of two crates filled with the bodies of ancestors. The bodies of the dead a year ago it was repacked with new fabric. The treatment is believed to be the ancestors of their respect during life. They believe ancestral spirits are still there to give good.

His name is Mr. Lambaa, died aged 70 years. Height was 165 cm. His family slowly roll up pants to the knee. The others come dressed Ambe Lambaa. He wore old clothes for years now come to be replaced. Socks, coats, pants inside out. Until the hair should be combed.
Now the father Lambaa back using clean clothes. Slowly laid back on the casket.


the Toraja are an ethnic group indigenous to a mountainous region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Their population is approximately 650,000, of which 450,000 still live in the regency of Tana Toraja ("Land of Toraja"). Most of the population is Christian, and others are Muslim or have local animist beliefs known as aluk ("the way"). The Indonesian government has recognized this animist belief as Aluk To Dolo ("Way of the Ancestors").
The word toraja comes from the Bugis language's to riaja, meaning "people of the uplands". The Dutch colonial government named the people Toraja in 1909. Torajans are renowned for their elaborate funeral rites, burial sites carved into rocky cliffs, massive peaked-roof traditional houses known as tongkonan, and colorful wood carvings. Toraja funeral rites are important social events, usually attended by hundreds of people and lasting for several days.
Before the 20th century, Torajans lived in autonomous villages, where they practised animism and were relatively untouched by the outside world. In the early 1900s, Dutch missionaries first worked to convert Torajan highlanders to Christianity. When the Tana Toraja regency was further opened to the outside world in the 1970s, it became an icon of tourism in Indonesia: it was exploited by tourism developers and studied by anthropologists. By the 1990s, when tourism peaked, Toraja society had changed significantly, from an agrarian model — in which social life and customs were outgrowths of the Aluk To Dolo—to a largely Christian society.
 wait for the next post, I will post about attractions Toraja

keep learning, keep learning

There is no old age to learn. Like a knife, the more the teasers, the more often it will be more sharp. Rare in sharpening the knife will easily rusted so that it becomes dull.

So also a person's brain. If often used to study (sharpened) will be sharp, easy to digest information quickly understood, and his memory will last.

But if learning is rarely used, the brain will be blunt, it is difficult to understand the explanation, it's easy to forget.

Although not specific, the signs of the brain that starts "rusty" if you read fast asleep, while reading a book to linger, it nyanthol guns. Therefore not interested then read the book, being passive, reluctant to ask and so on.

What is meant here is not just about learning to learn in formal schools. Because, there are times when studying at "school of life" value is much more important than studying in school. From there it can draw directly the various sciences. For example: The value of ritual, human values, honesty, fairness, tolerance and other

People who stop learning are like dead but not buried. Because life is essentially a study. Learn to stop when it's so new tomb occupants.

Successful people never stop to learn, is also constantly looking for ways to learn how it can be effective. People who want to succeed always allocate time to read and set aside funds to buy the book ...


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